Category: The Very Basics

Articles dealing with the absolute basics of personal finance

2022 Review

My Year End Investment Analysis And Review – 2022

Investment Review: Look at at investments and assets for the year 2022. How I did in my equity strategies and what my overall allocation looks like now.

Asset Allocation

Markets Down! Is It The Best Time To Invest?

When the markets are choppy, asset allocation works really well. Figure your risk appetite and build a strategy accordingly. Then stick to it over the long term.

Stock Recommendations

Which Stock To Buy? Can You Recommend One Stock!

Asking a stranger to recommend a stock is fraught with risk. Your investments are a reflection of your thought process and using someone else’s thinking will not lead to a good night’s sleep.

Going back to the basics

Going Back To The Very Basics of Personal Finance

Implement your long term personal finance plan using the basic 5 step process. Use this to build you plan step by step. Investment planning is the last step, implement all the other steps first for a comprehensive plan.

Asset Allocation

What Is Asset Allocation And How To Manage It?

Asset Allocation is a required part of personal finance planning. It can be kept simple and useful or can be made needlessly complex.

Easy Peasy FI Plan

A Simple Financial Independence Plan

An easy peasy financial independence plan. To help you get your FI plan in place to help you focus on the more important things in life.

Term Insurance Post

Shouldn’t I Invest In An Insurance That Returns My Premium?

One of the options while buying Term Insurance is ‘return of premium’. Is it worthwhile considering this option? Exploring the possibility in this post.

Heavenly Light 'After You'

Have You Planned, What Happens After You?

Have you put together an After You file. It is important to make sure your family has all the relevant information they will need. It is part of prudent financial planning.

Shopping season is here

A Walk Down Loan Street!

Loans are available aplenty in the festive season. While it is great to shop be aware of how much you borrow. Understand the costs of borrowing.

Active funds vs passive funds

Active Funds Vs Passive Funds, Who Gives Better Returns?

Active funds vs passive funds, which gives you better returns. This is a long standing debate. This article quotes the latest research in this area to bring about a conclusion.

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