Momentum Investing, A High Risk Strategy, Suddenly Popular Again

Momentum investing is about making the most of existing momentum in the market. Something that is going up will continue to go up, till it doesn’t.

How Do You Fund That Short-Term Urgent Need For Extra Money ?

How do you tide over that short term requirement with the least disruption to your overall financial plan. There are several ways in which you can fund the shortfall, let us examine these.

Should You Choose Fixed Deposits Over Debt Funds Now?

The tax treatment of debt funds has changed. This has taken away the tax advantage of investing in debt funds vs FDs. Would it still make sense though?

2022 Review

My Year End Investment Analysis And Review – 2022

Investment Review: Look at at investments and assets for the year 2022. How I did in my equity strategies and what my overall allocation looks like now.

Asset Allocation

Markets Down! Is It The Best Time To Invest?

When the markets are choppy, asset allocation works really well. Figure your risk appetite and build a strategy accordingly. Then stick to it over the long term.

Stock Recommendations

Which Stock To Buy? Can You Recommend One Stock!

Asking a stranger to recommend a stock is fraught with risk. Your investments are a reflection of your thought process and using someone else’s thinking will not lead to a good night’s sleep.


FIRE, What Is The Hoopla All About?

FIRE: Financial independence, Retire Early. This is a concept of saving aggressively in your early days so you can retire early. Your savings should be able to fund your lifestyle and you should not need to work for it anymore.

Are BAFs good for you

Can a BAF Really Protect Your Capital?

Are Balanced Advantage Funds (BAF) really what the advertisements tell you. Do they provide adequate capital protection with reasonable returns? Should a smart investor consider them at all.

Going back to the basics

Going Back To The Very Basics of Personal Finance

Implement your long term personal finance plan using the basic 5 step process. Use this to build you plan step by step. Investment planning is the last step, implement all the other steps first for a comprehensive plan.